If I am hit from the Rear at a Red Light, How can I Recover From my Injuries?
Posted by Peter Tilem || 20-Apr-2015

Clients will sometimes ask me if they can recover money for their auto-accident injuries, and the answer lies in New York’s No Fault Law. As a general principle in New York’s No Fault Law, unless you have a serious injury, you cannot recover money for your injury as a result of an auto-accident. Instead, the No Fault Insurance will cover your medical treatment for the accident.
On the other hand, if you have a serious injury and the other person was at fault, you may be able to recover substantial amounts of money for your injury. This will depend on the seriousness of the accident, who caused it, and what kind of insurance the other party has. Whatever it is, it’s very important that you seek medical treatment right away. It’s also important that you speak to an attorney who’s experienced with auto-accidents as early as possible.