LaGuardia Airport Gun Crimes
LaGuardia Airport Gun Crime Attorneys, Queens Weapons Lawyers
As experienced gun and weapons attorneys we are often contacted by people arrested at LaGuardia Airport for possessing “loaded” or unloaded firearms at the airport with an out-of-state gun license. Since New York does don’t recognize the gun licenses of other states many innocent travelers are arrested at LaGuardia Airport every year. In addition, many of these travelers are arrested after they declare these firearms and attempt to check them. Many others are arrested for possession at the airport of items which are completely legal in other states such as certain knives, handcuffs, pepper spray, firearms magazines or clips and sometimes even a single round of ammunition or bullet.
New York weapon and gun laws are among the strictest in the Country. New York City law adds additional restrictions beyond what the New York State Penal Law prohibits. LaGuardia Airport, operated by the Port Authority and patrolled by the Port Authority police and other federal and state law enforcement agencies is in the heart of New York City and is one of the world’s busiest airports with almost 30,000,000 passengers and almost 370,000 aircraft coming through the airport per year. With passengers flying from all over the country and indeed all over the world, many passengers may come to LaGuardia with items that are legal in their home state but which are illegal at the airport.
The sentences for possessing weapons in New York can be remarkably harsh so many innocent travelers can find themselves facing serious charges including felonies that carry mandatory sentences of terms in state prison.
Put the Knowledge, Experience and Skill of a Former Gun Prosecutor to Work For You.
Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation
Peter H. Tilem, the founding partner of Tilem & Associates is a former New York City prosecutor who was assigned to the elite Firearms Trafficking Unit and has handled hundreds if not thousands of weapons charges both as a prosecutor and a criminal defense lawyer. Mr. Tilem is also an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. The law firm, under the direction of Mr. Tilem, has a proven record of success in successfully litigating weapons cases throughout New York City and specifically cases that originate in or around LaGuardia Airport. In addition, Mr. Tilem is a frequent lecturer on New York weapons laws and has appeared on television and on radio discussing these topics.
Airport weapons cases are a sensitive area of the law that requires an attorney with the experience, sensitivity and knowledge in handling cases that specifically arise at an airport. Certain areas of concern for airport cases include fourth amendment search and seizure issues which are specific to an airport, as well as concerns that law enforcement and prosecutors may have about terrorism. In addition, many of those arrested at airports are unfamiliar with New York and its criminal justice system and may have to travel great distances just to appear in Court. In many cases our firm is able to appear in Court and sometimes even able to resolve a case without the accused having to return to New York or appear in Court.
New York gun and weapon cases can be among the most serious and complex cases a person can face. Contact us today for a free consultation and ask to speak to one of our experienced airport gun lawyers.